Thursday, May 5, 2011

Puppetry (Performance Blog 1)

Puppetry Itself
-Puppetry is a very broad subject; but is a very interesting one. You might not know it, but we have been exposed to puppetry our whole lives. What do you think about when you hear the word puppetry? Talking puppets on strings that have dreams to be real? What about sock puppets that we create as kids? Shadow figures on the walls that you create with your hands?What about when you were a child and mocking your parents with your hands?
Types of Puppetry
-In America we associate puppetry with child hood; but in other countries puppetry is something that is thought hightly of. Something that is considered to be something highly sophisticated. It is thought to be another form of art. Another way in which we express ourselves. There are more types of puppetry other than just Shadow puppetry or sock puppets.
There are forms like the vietnamese water puppetry.This isn't puppets in front or behind a light source. I believe that this is the most original type of puppetry because not like the other forms, these puppets and puppeteers perform in water.
Just take a second and check out this video I got off youtube. (might take a minute or two).
NOTE: There's a band, and a screen that the puppeteers hide behind to operate these huge puppets with long sticks.

Now let's take a quick peek at the most common known type of puppetry. Which is shadow puppetry. There are several types of shadow puppetry. But I am just going to show you the most common.Shadow Puppetry

Puppetry and Rituals
Ventriloquism is believed to have started sometime around the early 16th century to communicate with the dead. However this has evolved into a type of entertainment.

Works Cited:

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